Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Christmas Memory

Okay, so I am writing this around Christmas time, so what kind of write-down-childhood-memories blog would be complete without a Christmas memory?

One of my earliest memories is absolutely obsessing about every day/hour/minute/second as Christmas approached. This was a default of a whole tapestry of Christmas that mom created in our house. I mean lets face it…our little kid brains were in excitement overload back then. I would sit at the advent calendar, counting the days left until Christmas every hour or so, as if in denial that it was “still 8 long days away”. I had back-up time keeping devices too…like the paper chains. Each day I would tear off a link. 8 links left on that too. So I made a chain with 5 links per day, so that I could see more progress per day. But then even that was not enough, so I started to cheat. I opened an extra window on the advent calendar, and I tore an extra few links off my chain, and then I innocently approached mom:

“So how many days is it until Christmas” I asked with all the dispassion I could muster.

“8 days left Wade” she replied with a smug confidence.

“Really,” come on! You can sell this buddy, “I think it is 7, that is what the calendar says.”

Anyway, you get the picture. I threw a desperate hail Mary to try to get her to hold Christmas a day early. I argued for a while, hoping that my feigned innocence would cause her to wonder if, in fact, she could be wrong. But alas, no luck, I had to close that dumb calendar window, and glue some junky replacement links on my dumb-bound-by-the-real-rotation-of-the-earth chain…and I had to wait….*sigh*. Maybe my sisters would like to eat some bullion cu—I mean “chocolate”. That should keep me busy for a while!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Ooooo, that dirty bullion chocolate company! How do they sleep at night?!?